Daily Overview
Staff plans, prepares and implements daily activities planned to support the developmental needs and interest of the children. The understanding of cultural relevancy and anti-bias curriculum is an important part of the program. Training is provided to help staff learn how to plan developmentally appropriate and culturally relevant activities.
- Quiet Activities: Free selection of puzzles, string beads, book, peg boards, parquetry blocks, legos, etc.
- Aerobic Exercise: Locomotion plays a large role in motor and skills development and including activities moving the body through space- walking, running hopping, jumping, rolling, dancing climbing, and leaping.
- Circle Time: Children and teacher plan together and talk about the day ahead. This is also the time for announcements, sharing and group songs, finger plays, etc/.
- Bathroom & Hand Washing: Before any activity, in which food is handled, prepared or eaten, children should wash their hands.
- Snacks: After center activities, a snack is usually served. It should be nutritionally sound, and something that they can handle themselves.
- Outdoor Activity Play/Walk: Ideally, outside play should be a time for learning new concepts and skills of climbing, jumping, swimming, throwing and body control. Many walks can be incorporated into play.
- Bathroom: Bathroom time provides a chance to teach health, self-help and intrapersonal skills. Children should also be able to use the bathroom whenever necessary.
- Lunch: Lunch should be a relaxing time, and the meal should be served family style,with staff and children eating together. Children should set their own table and decorate them with placements and flowers. Children should also be involved in clean up after meals and snacks.
- Relaxation: After lunch, children should have a chance to relax; perhaps to stories, records and music.
- Nap Time: Children who want to or need to should have a chance to rest or sleep. For those who don’t need it or can’t sleep on a particular day, quiet activities should be available.
- Bathroom
- Center Activities/Special Projects: Following nap time is a good time for center activities or special projects. Special projects might be cooking, holidays, collecting, work projects, crafts, field trips, play dough, making a group mural, painting, or dictating a story to a teacher.
- Group Time: Time to get together to clean up and review the day. This serves the purpose of developing and attention skills.
To enroll your child, please visit our center for a tour, orientation, and Brightwheel enrollment instructions.
Class Detail
- Price Contact Office
- Age3-5 year
- Time6am-8:30pm
- Capacity
- Duration
Contact form 1
What you learn
- Learning by exploration
- Building communication skills
- Encouraging positive peer interaction
- Theme based Concept Time
- Math Readiness
- Language Readiness
- Opportunities for fine and gross motor
- Promoting cognitive development
Activities Involved
- Sensory Time
- Story Time
- Water Play
- Sand Play
- Creative Time
- Library Time
- Puppet shows and skits
- Free Play with Technology Corner